Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger (1977) is a fantasy film directed by Sam Wanamaker which featuring special effects created by animator Ray Harryhausen who also cowrote the screenplay with Bevereley Cross.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: I thought it was better than the last one.
DADDY: Really, why?
LILLY: Because I liked the bit where the evil witch turned back into herself and she had half a birds foot. She would be able to swim better.
DADDY: I think I prefer The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad (1973) but this is still a great movie.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: I liked the princess.
DADDY: I met Jane Seymour once when I worked in the theatre.
Lilly: You worked in the theatre?
DADDY: Yes I was a stage hand and helped build the set for a play she starred in called Jane Eyre.
I liked Melanthius played by Patrick Troughton.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: I already said it.
DADDY: You did. I like that bit too and the fight with the demons.
LILLY: Yeah it was cool.
DADDY: Would you recommend this to your friends?
LILLY: Yes because it was awesome!
DADDY: I saw this...
LILLY: the cinema.
LILLY: I'm giving this ten stars.
DADDY: Me too.