Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black pearl (2003) is an adventure fantasy film based upon the Disney theme park ride directed by Gore Verbinski with a screenplay by Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio. It follows the adventures of a black smith and a pirate as they attempt to rescue the Governor's daughter from cursed pirates.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: It was spectacular!
DADDY: I thought so too and I went to see it twice when it was released because it is such a cool movie.
LILLY: Really?
DADDY: Yes I had to take mummy to see it too.
DADDY: Yes I had to take mummy to see it too.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) because I love his role in the movie.
DADDY: He is really funny and crazy but also he's a great hero.
LILLY: I agree.
DADDY: Did you recognize the actor who plays him?
LILLY: No who is he?
DADDY: Johnny Depp you have seen him in a few movies. He was also Edward Scissorhands for example.
DADDY: He is really funny and crazy but also he's a great hero.
LILLY: I agree.
DADDY: Did you recognize the actor who plays him?
LILLY: No who is he?
DADDY: Johnny Depp you have seen him in a few movies. He was also Edward Scissorhands for example.
LILLY: Really he looks really different?
DADDY: Actor.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: I liked the bit when Elizabeth (Keira Knightly) burns all the rum and Jack asks why?
DADDY: I liked that too and I love every scene Jack Sparrow is in but my favourite moment is when we first see him so proud on his little row boat.
LILLY: Yes. I also like the bit when Norrington (Jack Davenport) says he is the worst pirate ever and Jack says "But you have heard of me!"
DADDY: Yeah Jack Sparrow is the coolest pirate ever.
DADDY: Would you recommend this to your friends?
LILLY: It is very, very scary and has skeletons so I think it would be too frightening for them.
DADDY: Maybe but it is still one of my favourite films
DADDY: Maybe but it is still one of my favourite films
LILLY: I'm giving it fifteen and a half stars.
DADDY: I'm giving it the same then, fifteen men on a dead man's chest. Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me!