Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
is a superhero fantasy film directed by James Gunn and writen by him and Nicole Perlman. A ragtag group of unlikely heros become the defenders of the galaxy.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: It was fantastic.
DADDY: It was so much fun and I loved it.
LILLY: Me too.
LILLY: Me too.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: That's really tricky because I liked them all.
DADDY: Me too, they were all great.
LILLY: I agree.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: My favourite moment would be when Groot (Vin Diesel) gave his life for all their lives. We are Groot!
DADDY: Mine too but I think he might grow back.
LILLY: I hope so and I can't wait for the next movie.
LILLY: Yes because it's the best film ever.
DADDY: I loved the music too. This is my favourite film for a long time.
LILLY: Until the sequel.
DADDY: I loved the music too. This is my favourite film for a long time.
LILLY: Until the sequel.
DADDY: How many stars would you give it?
LILLY: One hundred and four. I really, really, really liked it.
DADDY: The same for me and I must get the Awesome Mix Vol, 1 for the Spookmobile.
LILLY: I want to hear it when you pick me up from school.
DADDY: Loud and proud.
LILLY: I want to hear it when you pick me up from school.
DADDY: Loud and proud.