Fantastic Four (2005) is a superhero fantasy film directed by directed by Tim Story and written by Michael France and Mark Frost based upon the Marvel team of the same name. A group of scientists investigate a cloud of comic energy with uncanny results.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: I thought it was an exciting adventure because I didn't know what would happen next.
DADDY: I grew up reading the Fantastic Four comics and I still enjoyed the film knowing what would happen next.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: Mine is The Thing (Michael Chiklis) because he reminded me of you..
DADDY: I like him too and it isn't easy being a monster.
LILLY: Rolls eyes.
DADDY: I liked him because he could have become normal again but gave up that chance to save his friends.
LILLY: I would have stayed normal.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: When they caused chaos in the city on the bridge.
DADDY: Yeah that is spectacular!.
LILLY: Yes because it's an amazing film which everyone should see.
DADDY: How many stars would you give it?
LILLY: Forty, I loved it all and wouldn't take anything out.
DADDY: The same for me then. It's clobbering time!
LILLY: Rolls eyes again.