Released in 1984 Gremlins is a horror comedy about a young man who receives a strange creature as a pet which spawns others who transform into horrific destructive monsters.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: It was very, very, very scary but fun.
DADDY: I thought so too, it is scary but funny too.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: I liked Gizmo because he is cute.
DADDY: I liked him too. Would you like a mogwai for a pet?
LILLY: No because they are too much responsibility.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: I liked the bit where Mrs Deagle flew out of the window. She was like the wicked witch in The Wizard Of Oz.
DADDY: Yeah I liked that too and the bit when the nasty one jumps in the swimming pool.
DADDY: Would you recommend this to your friends?
LILLY: No because it is a bit too scary for them, but I didn't have nightmares.
DADDY: You still made me check your room for gremlins though.
LILLY: Yes but it's funny because you act like there are some in there.
DADDY: I'm giving this five stars.
LILLY: I'm giving it four and a half.
I'm catching up on my Lilly And Daddy posts :)
ReplyDeleteNow when she asks for a cat or dog you can say it is about the same amount of responsibility as caring for a mogwai ;)