Jurassic Park (1993) is a science fiction film directed by Stephen Spielberg based upon the novel by Micheal Crichton with a screenplay by him and David Koepp. At team of investigators are put together to assess the safety of a wildlife park filled with cloned dinosaurs.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: I thought it was good but a bit hard to understand. It didn't explain things properly.
DADDY: They tried to. The main problem for me is that it takes too long to get going.
LILLY: Yeah.
DADDY: And I don't think it does a very good job of explaining the science for kids.
LILLY: I have to agree but the animation is very nice.
DADDY: Twenty years later and it still looks great. Some of the best computer graphics ever.
LILLY: Really?
DADDY: Yeah.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) because he doesn't like children at the beginning but changes his mind.
DADDY: He's my favourite too but I also like the mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum).
LILLY: I think he is very cool.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: When the lawyer (Donald Gennaro) gets eaten after leaving the kids.
DADDY: That is quite funny, he is such a creep.
DADDY: My favourite moment is when the kids are being hunted by raptors in the kitchen.
LILLY: It was too scary!
DADDY: Would you recommend it to your friends?
LILLY: I would recommend the film because it was scary and had good animation.
DADDY: How many stars would you give it?
LILLY: Ten out of fifteen because it was exciting but didn't explain things very well.
DADDY: Thirteen for me because it needed to get going quicker but it is great when it does.
LILLY: Yeah.
DADDY: Do you think it would be a good idea to bring back dinosaurs?
LILLY: No because as you saw in the movie everyone would die.
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