Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 (1997) is the second season of the supernatural horror series which created by Joss Whedon. New vampires arrive in Sunnydale and Angel wreaks havoc.
DADDY: What did you think of this season?
LILLY: I thought it was scarier than the first season but I thought that was better.
DADDY: Really?
LILLY: Yeah.
DADDY: I like this one more.
LILLY: Really?
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) because if it wasn't for her the monsters would take over Sunnydale.
DADDY: I like Spike (James Marsters), he's my favourite character in the entire series.
LILLY: Why do you always like the villains?
DADDY: I think they are more interesting.
LILLY: No they are not!
DADDY: What was your favourite episode?
LILLY: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered when Xander (Nicholas Brendan) uses witchcraft and makes all the girls love him.
DADDY: Me too that one is hilarious and he can't handle it.
DADDY: Would you recommend it to your friends?
LILLY: Yes if they have seen the first season..
DADDY: How many stars would you give it?
LILLY: Forty because it isn't as good as the first season..
DADDY: I like it more so I'll give it fifty-five. Mummy and me queued for hours to get James Marsters autograph once.
LILLY: I really want Buffy's autograph!