The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) is
a science fiction film and the second part of The Hunger Games trilogy based upon the novel by Suzanne Collins. Survivors of previous games are brought back to fight again as rebellion broods in the twelve districts. It was directed by Francis Lawrence with the screenplay written by Simon Beaufoy and Michael deBruyn.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: It wasn't as good as the first one.
DADDY: Yeah I liked that better too.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) because she sacrifices herself for her family and the revolution.
DADDY: I like her too, another reluctant hero as most of them tend to be.
LILLY:Yes they do.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: Probably when Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) says they are having a baby.
DADDY: Me too but the plan doesn't work
LILLY: My least favourite moment is when the stylist (Lenny Kravitz) is hurt.
DADDY: Yes that was a bit grim. .
DADDY: Would you recommend it to your friends?
LILLY: Yes but the first film is better and you need to watch that first.
DADDY: This is the middle film and it isn't as good as the first. Mum says the books are better.
LILLY: I would like to read the books.
DADDY: How many stars would you give it?
LILLY: 20 because it should have been longer and explain things better
DADDY: 15 for me because I agree, it ended very abruptly and I felt you needed to have read the book to fully understand the film.
LILLY: Yeah.
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