Arachnophobia (1990)
is a horror comedy film directed by Frank Marshall with a screenplay by Don Jakoby and Wesley Strick. A deadly new species of Venezuelan spider is introduced into a small American town.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: It was freaking fantastic!
DADDY: It was. I think I'm more afraid of spiders than you.
LILLY: I disagree..
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: It was Delbert the exterminator (John Goodman) because he reminded me of you.
DADDY: Me too, he was funny.
LILLY: Like you.
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: When the Doctor (Jeff Daniels) tried to torch the big mother spider.
DADDY: Yeah! I liked the bit when they are trapped in the house full of spiders.
LILLY: Yes and I liked the bit when they were looking at the dead bodies.
DADDY: The autopsy?
DADDY: And you think I'm weird?
LILLY: You are.
DADDY: And you think I'm weird?
LILLY: You are.
DADDY: Would you recommend it to your friends?.
LILLY: Definitely but only to all the people who are frightened of spiders.
DADDY: Just about everyone then?
LILLY: Yeah.
LILLY: Yeah.
DADDY: How many spiders would you give it?
LILLY: I'm giving it thirty.
DADDY: Me too.
DADDY: Pa showed me how to burn out funnel web spiders once and a flaming spider ran right at me like in the movie. I screamed like a baby.
DADDY: Pa showed me how to burn out funnel web spiders once and a flaming spider ran right at me like in the movie. I screamed like a baby.
LILLY: You are such a wuss dad!
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