Jaws (1975)
is an American horror film
directed by Steven Spielburg based upon the novel by Peter Benchley about a giant white shark which terrorizes a small island resort.
DADDY: What did you think of the movie?
LILLY: I thought it was predictable how Jaws ate one person at a time but it was good because it was predictable.
DADDY: What you are describing is called suspense, you know something bad is about to happen.
DADDY: Who was your favourite character?
LILLY: Jaws because I admire that he is predictable and he doesn't give up.
DADDY: I like Quint, I think Robert Shaw should have got an Oscar. Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies!
DADDY: What was your favourite moment?
LILLY: When you see the head in the water
DADDY: Me too, when I first saw that I spilt a scalding hot cup of coffee in my lap
DADDY: Would you recommend it to your friends?
LILLY: Yes...No because it is too scary for them.
DADDY: So are you scared to go in the water now?
DADDY: But you said you were too scared to go to the toilet.
LILLY: Don't tell them that!.
DADDY: How many teeth would you give it?
LILLY: I'm giving it 29 big, sharp, pointy teeth.
DADDY: I'm giving it 30.
DADDY: Da-Dum...Da-Dum
Lilly: Dad! Really?
Lilly: Dad! Really?
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